Exercise of the Month | Side Plank | April 2010

The Side Plank is a core exercise that requires no extra equipment -- all you need is a floor area large enough to lay down. This exercise works your abdominals, back muscles, as well as your overall balance. Planks are performed in 30-second bouts, three sets at a time.

To perform the side plank begin by facing prone to the floor, in proper push-up position, with elbows resting on the ground shoulder-width apart. Next, rotate your body 90-degrees to the left so your right forearm is providing a base of support. Keep your body in line with you feet and your forearm, as they should be the only body parts touching the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then slowly rotate back so both elbows are in contact with the ground. Then, rest briefly and repeat. For added difficulty, a Physio-ball may be placed under the feet.

Major muscles involved: Rectus Abdominis, Transverse Abdomonis, Quadratus lumborum, Obliques.