National Athlete of the Month | Todd Crandell | May 2010

Todd Crandell’s 13-year struggle with drugs and alcohol nearly destroyed his life, devastating relationships with family and friends, and shattering the promise of a professional hockey career. He quit using drugs and alcohol on April 15, 1993, and has been sober ever since.

In the process of rebuilding his life, Crandell realized traditional recovery programs weren’t enough. He needed something more. He chose the most grueling sport imaginable, the Ironman Triathlon -- 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run. Crandell ran his first triathlon in 1999 and has never stopped since.

He has completed eighteen full-length Ironman Triathlons across the world. In 2008, he was the only person in the world to complete the Ultraman Hawaii Triathlon and then, six days later, complete Ironman Western Australia. The Ultraman is a 3-day test of endurance consisting of 6.2 miles of swimming and 90 miles of biking (day 1), 171.2 miles of biking (day 2) and 52.4 miles of running (day 3). In 2009, Crandell completed Ultraman Canada and became one of 25 individuals in the world to have completed both Ultraman Triathlons.

In 2001, his experience with running these triathlon events and inspiring others on their road to sobriety led him to form the organization Racing for Recovery.

Racing for Recovery sponsors support meetings and race events across the United States in an effort to promote a lifestyle of fitness and sobriety. Crandell conveys one important message: "With Sobriety Anything is Possible."

Crandell and Racing for Recovery have been featured on CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN’s SportsCenter, ESPN2’s Cold Pizza, The New York Times, Sports, Runner’s World and Triathlete magazines, and the nationally-syndicated Mitch Albom Radio Show.

Crandell’s book, From Addict to Ironman, gives an unflinching account of his addiction and recovery, and has motivated thousands in their fight to overcome drug and alcohol addiction.

He is a resident of Ohio, along with his wife, Melissa, their two sons, Konor and Mason, and daughters Skylar and Madison. Crandell holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Lourdes College and a Masters of Counseling degree from Spring Arbor University. Crandell is also a PC (Professional Counselor) and LCDC III (Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor III).

"The endorphin rush of exercising daily and competing in Ultramans and Ironmans is beneficial mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically," Crandell told "It's a high you can never get with a drug or a drink."