Exercise of the Month | Forward Lunge | September 2010

The forward lunge does not require any equipment. The lunge works your legs, hips and core muscle groups. To perform the lunge, you should begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward, landing with your heel first. Your knee should bend to 90 degrees and stay directly over your toes. Continue bending your knee slowly until your back knee is almost touching the ground. Hold this position shortly, then return to the starting position by driving upward with the front leg.

The lunge can be performed without weights and on flat ground for beginners, but for those who want to push themselves, you may hold appropriate weighted dumbbells in your hands while you perform the exercise. You can also lunge up onto a step, or down from a step, to increase the difficulty. As with all exercises, make sure you warm-up prior to any routine, and seek professional assistance with any exercise you are not comfortable performing.

Muscles used: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius, Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus and the Gluteal muscles.