Exercise of the Month | Prone Superman | October 2010

The Prone Superman is a simple, yet effective exercise to strengthen your core and lower back muscles. The only materials you need are a flat floor and a yoga pad, if you prefer padding. As with all exercise and activity, you should stretch and have a proper warm-up prior to beginning.

To perform the Prone Superman lay down on the floor with your chest flat against it, and your arms stretched out in front of you. Contract your core and back muscles to raise your arms, shoulders and legs approximately 2-4 inches off the ground. At this point, hold the position for 30 seconds making sure you control your breathing, as well as keeping your legs and arms straight. After 30 seconds elapses, slowly relax and return your limbs to the ground.

This exercise can be advanced by raising alternating arms and legs. You can also rest your hips on a physioball or Bosu ball to increase the difficulty with an unstable surface.

Muscles involved: Glutes, Hamstrings, Deltoids, Rhomboids, Erector spinae