Exercise of the Month | Kettlebell Swings | January 2011

The Kettlebell Swing is an advanced explosive exercise focusing on the legs and back. One key point before attempting this exercise is that your hips and legs are the power behind the movement. Your arms are not pulling the kettlebell up ... it's being swung forward with the momentum generated by your hips.

The starting position for the swing is with your legs shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. The kettlebell should be resting inbetween your legs, grasped with your hands. To begin, slowly bring your hips back, as if you were sitting in a chair, and swing the kettlebell back between your legs. At this point, you are going to explosively extend your hips forward so that your body is straight up. This motion will thrust your limbs forward and the kettlebell should end up at eye level. Once the kettlebell is at eye level, slowly return back to the starting position by squatting into the imaginary chair you started from. To challenge the difficulty of this exercise you can increase the weight of the kettlebell, or you can use one hand, instead of two.

An important tip is to keep your eyes looking forward during the exercise. This will prevent you from twisting your neck. And keep your back straight to avoid potential injury.

As will all exercises, it's important to ensure a proper warm-up and stretching session prior to attempting such a vigorous activity.