Exercise of the Month | Clean and Jerk | February 2012

The Clean and Jerk is a explosive lift for advanced abilities. This exercise should be performed with proper weightlifting equipment, proper floor space and proper supervision. With all exercise, it is important to start small and work your way into a new routine.

Start out with just the bar, as this will assist you in achieving proper form, reducing the risk of injury. This explosive exercise will work on both upper and lower body fitness, as well as core stabilization.

To begin this exercise, start with the bar at your feet, shoulder-width apart. ... Squat down and grasp the bar with a overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width. Pull the bar off the floor by extending at the knees and hips. When the bar reaches knee level, explosively raise your shoulders until the bar touches your thighs. At this point, jump upward while extending your body and pulling the bar up with your arms. Next, pull your body quickly underneath the bar by rotating your elbows under the bar, and catch the bar at your shoulders (while you get into a squat position). Stand up immediately after you have hit the bottom of the squat.

To perform the Jerk portion of the exercise, readjust your grip if necessary, and compose yourself for the next movement. Keeping your chest high, dip your body slowly into a squat position, then explosively drive upward with your legs, driving the bar up off your shoulders. At the top of the upward motion, extend your arms with the bar over your head and land in a split-squat position. The bar should be positioned directly over your ears with your arms extended at the end of this motion. Slowly bring your feet together and stand with the bar over your head, before slowly lowering the bar to the ground.