Step Ups are an explosive full body exercise that builds quads and glutes. It is performed by stepping or jumping onto a box or ledge, and lifting your body up. The alternating movement also integrates balance, coordination and technique. Step Ups are also a very convenient exercise to perform. -- All that's needed is an aerobic step, but you can also use any stable elevated platform such as a box, step or ledge.
To properly perform a Step Up, begin by standing in front of the step with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step onto the ledge with your lead foot and quickly lift your body up. As soon as your trail foot lands on the platform, step back down with your lead foot followed by your trailing foot. This process is repeated in rapid succession. While speed is key in this exercise, it is imperative to have proper technique. If you begin to lose your balance, stop, regroup and restart at a slower pace.
This exercise can be increased in difficulty by raising the height of the platform, or by holding dumbbells. For those individuals looking for increased difficulty, an unstable surface, such as a stability disk, can be placed on top of the platform. This should only be attempted by those with a high skill level.
As will all exercises, it is important to ensure a proper warm-up and stretching routine prior to activity. Also check with your physician if you have any medical concerns regarding the exercise.