Weekly Training Article | 10 Tips to Improve Fitness and Health | 11/1/10-11/7/10

By Taylor Ryan

Here are 10 tips to improve your fitness & health. Even athletes who are incredibly fit may not be totally healthy. They often tread a fine line between health and illness or injury.

1) Listen to your body. As you're training, it's easy to become preoccupied with the repetitions you're doing, or the time you've been exercising. Leave your watch at home and slow down. But on the same note, don't be afraid to push yourself, as the gym should not be a leisurely walk in the park if you want to become sculpted. You must learn to understand your body.

2) To improve your fitness & health you need to eat a varied diet. Five fruits and vegetables per day should be your minimum target. Your health will improve if you eat at least five different kinds of fruit, and any additional vegetables will be a bonus.

3) Take a complete day off from exercise every once in a while. It doesn't have to be every week, but doing extra training when you're tired may have a detrimental effect on your health and fitness. You become fitter and healthier through rest as much as exercise. My off day is generally Sunday.

4) For muscle, also increase your protein intake: make sure every meal includes good protein sources: lean meats, poultry, seafood, dairy and beans are great examples.

5) Understand technique before trying anything new. This will insure that you will not cause injury, and you will maximize the results you want. If you have questions consult a gym professional or another reliable source.

6) You will improve your health and fitness by stretching more. Your muscles become shorter through exercise, and if you never stretch you will get injured. One method is to warm-up slowly, then spend several minutes stretching before the main workout. Stretch thoroughly after exercise, as well.

7) You need to stay hydrated. -- This means drinking water and sports drinks if you're sweating a lot. You lose minerals in your body while sweating. It's recommended to drink five glasses of water per day, but if you're working out you need to drink more. Don't get carried away, though, because it may be dangerous to drink too much, as well as too little.

8) Exercise with other people. You will meet new friends and your fitness will improve if you have other people to motivate you.

9) Do not become too competitive, as this may harm your health. Motivation from other people is good, but you should only compete against yourself. Try too hard to keep up with someone else and you could become injured. -- This goes back to understanding your body: If you know it can't handle something, don't do it.

10) Have fun! Your health and fitness will improve if you're having fun because you will stay dedicated to your exercise program.

Source: physicalfitnessarticles.net