The standing chest fly is an excellent exercise to engage the chest and shoulder muscle groups. This exercise is best performed in the gym with a free-motion machine with the cables set at shoulder height; however, exercise bands can be used at home for a similar effect.
To begin this exercise, face away from the machine with a handle in each hand and your arms spread out to the side. It's important not to lock your elbows and keep them in a slightly bent position. Slowly bring your hands together in front of you with the palms facing in. This motion is similar to giving a person a hug. When your hands come close together, stop and slowly bring them back to the starting position. Select a weight that you're comfortable with; you should be able to complete 8-13 repetitions per set.
As with all exercises, it's up to you to utilize a proper warm-up and stretching program to prepare your body for activity.
Muscles Involved: Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Deltoid, Bicep femoris